Máy phân tích màu RGB-1002

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Mã: Máy phân tích màu RGB-1002

Bảo hành: 12 tháng
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SERIES Color Analyzer 
COLOR ANALYZER, probe + meter, RS232 
Model : RGB-1002 
* Measuring sample : no lighting sample ( textiles, paper, leathers...).
* Measurement value : RGB value, HSL value (Hue/Saturation/Luminance). 
* R (Red) value : 0 to 1023. 
G (Green) value : 0 to 1023. 
B ( Blue ) value : 0 to 1023. 
* 45o /0o color measuring geometry. 
* Used the spectral analysis method to determine the color of the sample. 
* Complete set included the color probe and the meter, show RGB or HSL value at same time. 
* RS232 computer interface. 
* Power : 006P DC 9V battery. 
* Meter size : 203 x 76 x 38 mm.